We just got an email from CHI's Ethiopia Program Director. In a nutshell it said that they haven't heard from Ethiopia yet about how court went today and that this is probably due to the power being out. She assured us that this lack of communication between their staff in Ethiopia and the US only happens when there is no power. She also said that we'll likely have to wait until Monday for any news.
On a more positive note she wrote that she's sure court was favorable for all of the families and that we'd receive an email letting us know once it's confirmed. But probably not until Monday. I guess the butterflies in my tummy will just have to hang out for a while longer...
Here's a link to a short article I found on the power outages and water shortage. It's raining in NY today, oh how I wish I could send it their way.
hang in there...at least we're all in this together ;)
Ahhh, it must make you crazy not knowing! Hope you guys have a great weekend!
I'll be hoping for good news for you. I hope it's sooner rather than later.
Praying that court was favorable.
Ah, this must be very difficult right now. I'm sorry to hear of it. Someday all the waiting will be history. Hope you can enjoy your weekend.
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