January 12, 2011

When We Go See My Ethiopia Mommy...

He gets it. He so very very gets it. Thumbs down to the folks out there who question the ability of a toddler to remember, really remember, their "things". My toddler remembers his things. He constantly brings up trips we took 2+ years ago (silent muh-huh to myself...) and associates things with places. So now that he's really starting to integrate the idea of having an Ethiopia mommy into his daily thought process he's also really starting to need something to attach that to. And what better than the original attachment, right? Right. So, we're planning a trip to Ethiopia. He needs to go. We need to go. It could be really really good.

Now, I'm not completely naive. I understand the logistics behind introducing my child to his Ethiopia Mommy and the potential for challenges. But that's why this is so important right now. He needs the response to those challenges. He's seen the world, he's been there, he's been told he came from someone else's belly, and he understandably wants to know where "that" looks like. And we're so excited to show him.

We're waiting on our agency for further options and possibilities, and you can bet your bottom dollar we'll take full advantage of everything made available. But the fact is there, it will be the 4 of us and Ethiopia this spring. This Spring.

This Spring.


Jill said...

This takes my breath away! Mari also remembers amazing details about things and events from 2 years ago...it floors me. And even though she is just now accepting the idea of another family in Ethiopia, she has known about them for a long time.

I think it's an awesome age to take them. They are old enough to "get" it and to be empathetic but they still haven't formed a lot of the fantasy ideas that lack of knowledge leads to. Won't it be nice for Ash to grow up KNOWING what Ethiopia is like and what his birth family is like rather than his imagination building up wonderful fantasies or unresolved bitterness. I keep saying I'll take Mari back when she's 12-13 but I know in my heart that the Ethiopia she builds in her mind by that time will be nothing like it really is.

I can't wait to hear about your trip (what details you chose to share). I hope you are able to do everything you want and have an amazing time!

Kelly said...

Oh, wow. How amazing!

QB said...

Woo Hoo! I forget where Ashton is from but, if you happen to be in Sidama, www.Aregashlodge.com is fantastic. I think they have good wine.

Ms. Fricknfrack said...

Awesome!!! Cannot wait to follow yet another of your journeys!

findingmagnolia said...

This makes me so happy and excited. We brought our three-year-old daughter home in October, and hope to take her to visit her Ethiopian family on a regular basis. We will be watching as your journey unfolds, and cheering for you.

kn said...

I am thrilled for all of you. The Ethiopian side of your family and all of you. What a perfect time to go. If Ash was from New York he might have met with his bio mom several times already. How lovely that he and you have this opportunity.


Mom to many said...

Wow! So cool!