April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday And A Huge Cheers!

Click HERE to congratulate the Dandies in the Sunshine family on their referral of a little boy! CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

He has such cute clothes and is always dressed for the occasion. Cute picture! Maybe I should take his fashion sense to heart.
Love, G-aunt Carol McG

Ms. Fricknfrack said...

Okay, so maybe the country is pretty cool. But not nearly as cool as those duds!!

Gretchen said...

Jo- Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I even ended up getting a comment from one of your precious family members. I'm touched, I'm overwhelmed, I'm full of joy. You and yours were with me from the very beginning of this journey (although you might not have known that). Having you still around for this beautiful news of ours, well. It fills me.

As for a house exchange? Are you kidding me?!! We would LOVE to do that. Love it. Were you kidding? 'Cause I'm not. No siree.

And Ashton? I can't believe how big he's getting. The picture of him before this last post of yours blew me away. Beautiful boy. Beautiful.