April 8, 2009

One year today

April 9, 2008 - exactly one year ago today - we saw our son's face for the first time. I was traveling for work, Mike was traveling for work, and it was pretty much a race to LGA to finally look at him together (we didn't even consider waiting to look at his picture, so both of us had seen him prior to seeing him together). Life has been very very good. Not without trials, and lots of them, but when I think about the face I saw a year ago today and then the face of the "big boy" asleep next to me I just can't help but revel in the craziness that has become our life. The messed up version of perfect that somehow found its way to my very lucky self.

Today we cuddled, we explored, we giggled, we exchanged numerous glances of "oh no you didn't" and then we got over it and shared some blue ice cream (tuti fruiti gelato) before saying goodnight. 365 days of knowing his face has left me itching to know what the next 365 will bring.

Exhaustion, yes. Frustration, yup. Countless moments of questioning every ounce of my thoughts? YES YES YES. And then the fun stuff starts, and he looks at me with those ridoculously big eyes and all I can think about is how lucky I am.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Anonymous said...

Very very cool picture. The ones in the prior one make him look like a seasoned world traveler. Very touching blog, too. You're building wonderful memories for all three of you; thanks for sharing them with the rest of us!
Love, Carol McG

Amanda said...

I cannot believe it's been a year! I remember reading that post and thinking "YESSSSSSSS"!
It's crazy how fast the last year has gone by (for us at least).


Gamma! said...

And what a year it has been . . . I remember that day too - I was traveling in the south Metro and got your phone call full of such joy and excitment I had to pull off the side of the road to talk to you! Ashton rocked your world starting that day and has continued to do so day after day after day. And we are all blessed. Thanks for sharing such very tender and special thoughts from a moms heart. Love you, mom

Brooke said...

What a beautiful picture. Happy 1 year!

Rebecca said...

I don't think anything can quite compare to the way we feel for our kids. What a sweet anniversary to celebrate today!

Kimberly said...

Happy 1 year! I'm sharing your great feeling with you! All the pictures are great...I enjoy checking in!

Annie said...

That day is kinda special to me, too ;)

Happy First Time I Saw Your face Day! It's so amazing, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Great picture! Thanks for adding to our family. I can't imagine life without Ash. Love Mom C

Anonymous said...

Are you showering with Ashton? That's sick! He'll be scarred for life. Your naked body is something he doesnot need to see at his young age. Social services will be at your door upon return of your trip.

Barbara said...

Where do you pick up your freaky followers?!? Is one of your exes stalking you? Anyway, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And maaaaaaannnnnnyy mooooorrrrrreeeee!

Stacie said...

Love this post!! Beautifully written! I especially love this line - "The messed up version of perfect that somehow found its way to my very lucky self." Perfection. :)