November 22, 2010

In Their Own Language


Gamma! said...

This video is precious!!! Thanks for sharing. Can you send it to dad's e-mail so he can see it - know he'd love it.
Love you guys . . . see you soon!

PC said...

Some linguistics prof should pick this one up...too cool. She talks..did you ask him what she said?

Gamma! said...

just had to watch this again!

Bridget said...

Love that! "She talks, mommy!" :) So cute!

Christine said...

I don't know if I have ever seen anything so precious! The talking of baby girl or how much she obviously adores that boy??! Which is more cute!!??

Carol McG said...

She has a lot to say to her big brother, that's for sure. How cute is this; one to keep for sure. I love the part at the end; She talks, Mommy!