OK, I'm going to throw out a guess that the stimulus payments that started being distributed this week don't hold a candle to the amount of economic stimulus brought on by waiting families. After all, is there a better way to pass the time than by perusing the gadzillions of adorable online children's shops? Just when I happen upon what I think to be "the cutest children's shop ever" I turn around and surprise surprise, there's another one! Patience schmatience, waiting sucks so I'm going shopping. I do have to admit once again though, the ticker at the top clocking 2 weeks 3 days looks SO much better than when it clocked 2 weeks 4 days... Just imagine how fabulous 2 weeks 2 days is going to look!
My newest favorite is
Baby Earth (environmentally-friendly baby products) where this
Musical Toy Box Bench currently has me ducttaping my wallet shut. So cute, so much fun, must be responsible, must be responsible...
What a super cute bench!!!!!!
Unfortunately it NEVER gets easier! Kids are so fun to spend money on and buy things for... It is so much cuter than for adults!just today I was parusing the internet for the cheapest pair of Keens for kids... of course they need the best sandals right :-)!!!! I'm afraid to tell you that your start to taping your wallet shut is only the beginning... welcome to a lifelong practice in patience and self control! It STINKS big time and man, some days is it hard!!!!!
On a more possitive note.... when you do find something fun, and you do buy it.... MAN IS IT AWESOME AND FUN!!!!!!
Off to go watch the kids ride their bikes! Have a super Tuesday! Love you!
I love the Musical Tox Box Bench! So cool. I imagine alot of noise could be made with that!
hahaha-I love your blog. You're probably right, it's nothing compared to the shopping waiting families do. Heck, we've done tons of shopping and we're not even waiting yet.
Retail Therapy!!! I practiced that a lot during our wait (good thing our wait wasn't long!). LOVE that bench. Micah would love it too... It really doesn't ever end!
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