The Blog Union is an annual "union" of fellow Ethiopian Adoptive Families that have built relationships through their blogs. The first annual Blog Union took place last year and was hosted by Drew & Carey in Los Angeles California. There were over 40 families from all over the United States who attended and judging by D&C's pictures it was definitely an amazing experience for all. Back then we had recently returned home from Ethiopia and were still adjusting to life as 3 so were unable to attend. But, this year we plan to take advantage of the current airfare deals and head to Chicago this summer for Ethiopian Blog Union 2009! If you haven't heard about this yet, or have heard rumblings and would like to learn more, go to and register to join to access the full details of dates, location, activities, etc... For security purposes there are a few stipulations in place for joining the Meetup Group: You must have a blog, you must be adopting from Ethiopia and/or have adopted from Ethiopia, and if you're in the adoption process you must be officially waiting (had background checks, fingerprints, etc.). Also, if you register to join please post a picture as part of your Meetup Profile so that the organizer (Mrs. B) can keep track of who is who!
So, anyone out there planning on joining us? See you in Chicago!
I can't qualify for the group, but may want to join you guys in Chicago for dinner and fun if it works out! Southwest flies for $49!! MOm
Sweet! All three of you.
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