October 29, 2007

Dossier & The Boss

Today two major steps were completed:

1) Our dossier documents are now New York State Certified!
2) I had THE conversation with my boss!

We will need to return to the state certification office one more time once our CIS approval arrives (the I-171H form) however everything else is 100% ready to go at this point which is really really exciting. Our I-171H is in the works, and baring any roadblocks (there is one potential delay, but I'm doing my best not to focus too heavily on this as all will happen in due time...) we will receive our approval in 4-6 weeks. Hopefully less, but isn't that always the case? Also, I met a woman while waiting for my file to be reviewed who is adopting from Russia. She needed to state certify 57 documents! And I thought our 20 was a lot. We exchanged contact info and will keep each other posted on our progress!

As for the conversation with my boss, it could not have possibly gone better. She's excited, I'm excited. I'm dedicated to returning to work full time, she's very happy about that. Considering the fact that the best timeline I could provide was, "I could be traveling anytime between February and July of 2008 and even then this could change at the drop of a hat depending on the zillions of factors contributing to the process..." well, quite frankly she was a gem.

So, we'll keep our fingers crossed that these two steps forward don't result in two steps back (come on you Paula fans...) and if they do, well I suppose it's about time for another round of the patience song...

"Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry. When you are impatient, you only start to worry. Remember, remember, that God is patient too, and think of all the times that others have to wait for you!"


Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

You guys are rollin...and it's almost completely out of your hands now! Your attitude is great. Congrats on getting all the paperwork done!

Gretchen Magruder said...

Every time I read of the progress you're making, it gives me the kick in the pants to get our homestudy finished!!

...I did the Music Machine church musical when I was growing up....the Have Patience song just never gets old, does it?!

Gretchen Magruder said...
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Rebecca said...

Yes, yes - we do need those I-171H's quickly!! The last girl in Oklahoma got hers in 19 days - I hope ours is that fast!!

PC said...

Each step brings me closer to being a Grandmother! YEAH! AS you both know, patience is not one of my virtues either, so it's great to have your good examples! Mm C

Laurzie said...

It's so fun to find another Ethiopian adoptive family! Congratulations on the exciting progress on this amazing journey! I'm looking forward to reading about your referral!