November 4, 2008


The original plan for today was to bring Ash to daycare, vote, work, then pick up Ash and head to a friend's home to watch history being made. Plans changed around 11:40 when daycare called to inform me that Ash's temperature was 104 degrees... I rushed to pick him up and am now home (though I was still able to vote before the daycare call) with a sick boy in my lap. So, instead of conference calls and frequent trips to for election updates the afternoon has switched focus to Children's Motrin and Finding Nemo. His fever has been going down steadily and now I'm starting to wonder if this all wasn't just his way of getting out of daycare so that he could be glued to election coverage... The McGregors voted, have you?

1 comment:

Ms. Fricknfrack said...

Poor Ash. Sending good juju for the fever to be gone. But do you really blame him if it was on purpose for the whole coverage thing? :)