January 29, 2009

Fashionably Fashionable, Kind Of

Orange hat, red coat, sunglasses indoors, pajama bottoms, and reindeer slippers with stickers on top. I'm pretty sure I saw Will Smith sport this exact look in US Weekly last week...


Rebecca said...

His sunglasses are on upside down, right? That just finishes off his look :)

The Journey said...

Yes, Dad actually put them on the conventional way but Ash quickly corrected them. Apparently this is how the kids are wearing them these days.

Gamma! said...

This is one amazing little stud - can I say that?! :) I just want to reach out and give him a big hug!

Heather said...

Hi Jo, Just read some of your previous posts - he is SO cute! Sophie is 16 months so we are coming into this stage - new words every day. I love it.

Gretchen said...

Now THAT'S what makes Ashton so darn hip. Way to be an individual, little man!

Barbara said...

Did he dress himself?? Then I LOVE it! And yes, I have started on numero deux.

PC said...

I always told his Dad it's all about how you look! Glad to see he's in the same groove. Waaaaay cool! Grandma C

Ms. Fricknfrack said...

Can you say Project Runway?!! Fierce, Ash!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hang out with this guy!