February 22, 2009

This Is What Happens When Mommy's Sick

Cookies and fashion statements, apparently that's what happens when dad returns after 3 days of "Mommy and Me" time and institutes a weekend of "Daddy's in charge so we're doing whatever we want and mommy can't stop us because she's too sick" time. I spent the weekend juggling various styles of Japanese cutlery in my throat while Ash got to break in my new mixer on a batch of cookies. Life just isn't fair sometimes. Though they did share the cookies with me while they were still warm so I suppose that makes up for it a little bit...

Tomorrow we have Ashton's first Parent/Teacher Conference (yes, he's 21 months old and they're already having PT Conf days) so I'm sure I'll have all kinds of updates to post after hearing such sentiments as, "He's learned the alphabet backwards and forwards!" or "He can count to 10 in 5 languages!" or "The haiku he wrote in class brought me to tears!" but I guess I'll settle for, "He taught Ben how to climb to the highest point in the room and jump off of it." or, "Your son is the only one in the class who hasn't yet added boogers to his list of culinary faves."

Yeah, I guess those last two will do. That is, as long as he continues to make cookies on the weekends.


Annie said...

oh, what fun making cookies. I love the outfit! Just when I think Ash can't get any cuter, he proves me wrong.

Hope you're feeling better.

Jill said...

Too cute! Cookies sound yummy. Sorry you were sick, I rather have about anything other than a sore throat...I hate them. I love that you have parent-teacher conferences...I get no feedback on Mari from school.

Ms. Fricknfrack said...

That's it. I've got to get Moe in school 'cause I don't even know 5 languages, so how am I supposed to keep up?

Hope your feeling better and your boy has some serious style.

los cazadores said...

Is that a really colorful scarf he has around his neck or what? Love that look on him, he he. A boy of my own heart, sticking fingers in the cookie dough...


Gamma! said...

A thought comes to me . . . these pictures are going to make great vodder someday for Ashton's wedding video! I recommend you start a file NOW! :)