July 26, 2008

How To Be A Rock Star

1) Insist on helping clean up the Brooklyn apartment with the dustpan and sweeper.
2) Master the "All Done" hand gesture and facial expression and actually get what it means!

3) Teach your daddy how to truly rock out with your new microphone from grandma
4) Real rock stars carry their Elmo guitar and wear their messenger hats at all times.

Pardon me, rock star coming through...

Flying rock stars are always the coolest. Rock on.

So the last few days have gone really well. Ash truly was a rock star at my company picnic - even handed out some smiles and solidified that he is a water boy. We knew that he loves the water but he LOVES the ocean! Guess we have to plan our vacations accordingly...oh darn. He soaked up the NYC vibe and fit in like a true charmer. He even stayed out late for dinner the last night and made a few friends at the local playground this morning. He seemed to be happy to be back among the country folk upstate this afternoon, and who wouldn't with the local horse and goat welcoming posse! I love waking up in Brooklyn while still being able to say goodnight to the neighbor's horse.

Adjusted? No. Adjusting? Yes. And very well if I may say so myself. SO well in fact that when trying on dresses for a wedding we're attending next weekend I found myself asking for the next size DOWN! You see, that doesn't happen much with me. I'm really good at asking for the next size UP but the other direction is quite foreign. Well, it seems the 17 pound weight I've been lifting for 2 months (yup, it's been that long - will be 8 weeks on Tuesday!) has resulted in a slimming of the upper body. Who would've thought?!!

So I'm going to take my sized down self and my adjusting son and our Brooklyn'ish family across our upstate street to say goodnight to our neighbors, the horse and the goat.

Rock on.

Ash then & Ash now... We love love love love LOVE this.


Amanda said...

Beautiful pictures. The last two were great :)

It must be amazing to be city and country all at once.

And, I'm glad to hear he loves the ocean! What a wonderful thing...and, yes, tis a pity you must plan all your vacations accordingly. :-P

Tell Ash to rock on! :)

Cloverland Farm said...

awesome. so great. we're at 2 mos. long way to go. but that's okay. we are cherishing these special days. what's under your window? looks like a patchwork kind of wooden sculpture? looks cool.

Stacie said...

I don't want to say I told you so... but I will - Didn't I say that you'd lose that babywait once your babe got home? :) Told you so. (I'm terrible, I know)

Ashton is a true rock star! Cute cute boy!

los cazadores said...

That rock star is sizzlin'! He's the cutest thing ever since David Hasselhoff. Except way more rockin' than Hasselhoff and WAY better lookin!



Gamma! said...

One of my accounts called me a rock star today (I accomplished something estraordinary for them I guess). I told him, no but my grandson is! Rock on Ashton - can't wait to play with your this weekend! Love you all, gamma